The B. S. Manjunathan, an Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) manager, an Engineer and IIML management PG is not only remembered due to qualities in academics and management, but excellent devotee to honesty, a rare quality to be followed in his very own country and is only one behind his brutal killing.
Actually, the Manjunathan’s killing is not the single one, the numbers of Manjunathans are deprived of their lives daily as they are blowing the whistle against the well-established corruption culture. Only those are allowed to live and enjoy who becomes a part of it.
The Oil-Mafia, who is allegedly said behind this scandal after when the Manjunathan got the proofs against the King-Pin of oil scandal going on in the country involving not only the rotten elements of the society but clean-posed central and state political leaders and industrialists involving ministers and democrats.
- Is this the reward to one who show honesty in the country of Ram, Guru Nanak, and Buddha?
- Could this lesson is being taught to the countrymen of Guru Gobind Singh, Maharana Pratap and Shivaji for their commitment of Nation Building?
- Has either the government or the constitution has any right to be in existence if they are able to protect the life of such a devoted citizen?
“HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY” is only for teachings in schools, colleges and universities or to be raised as slogan in government advertisements. But, if some stupid person tries to implement it in the real life, he would have to face the same as Manju had, in our very own so-claimed moral nation.
There would be no future for this country if such incidents would go on publicly. We are dreaming India as a Developed Nation, but the question is to arising that “Could India going to exist as a nation even?”
The solution is one and only one, the responsible persons for such an act would be HANGED PUBLICALLY, whoever is he or she.
I request all of my readers to give their opinions on:
Why not all the responsible persons behind Manjunathan’s Killing would be given a PUBLIC EXECUTION?
Waiting for your opinions and comments……………