Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Human Emotions, Science & Future

Human emotions are something which are still unexplainable with the scientific knowledge that mankind currently possess. There is no scientific theory that can explain why we get happy on some moments or why some things make us unexplainably aggressive? Why we get jealous with some achievements of others? How we sometimes feel huge intrinsic desire for somewhat? 

The very weak reply comes as what is visibly happening in the neurons, present in strength of millions in our brain, in form of some electrochemical reactions. But why these reactions exist on first place? Why only some particular emotions are there at specific occasions rather than the other ones? Who is actually deciding which emotions to be best suitable for the situations in which they actually emerge? Current knowledge is astonishingly silent.

May be the knowledge to which we would evolve with time in future, we can answer these questions. Then, by that time, we might be able to control or generate the human emotions. Loss of some loved one would not be going to generate any shock and grief. We could create a world free from depression or any kind of mental disease, with this new research. 

But looking at the other angle, this could turn the humanity into mechanic puppets, with nothing left humane. Somebody or something could control all the emotions, all of the human feelings and could generate them or wipe them out with some sort of central control. There wouldn’t be any motherly love and care, there wouldn’t be any affection, love, romance, bravery, kindness, zeal for struggle and millions of our other emotions, in the same realistic manner as they exist today, which actually make us what we actually are. Everything would be controlled or falsely induced. Isn’t it a terrible visualization?

Now try to imagine the authority which is having the control of his whole false and induced world. The one with that power wouldn’t be anything less than today’s God or even above that. God of today atleast has no control on our feelings.

But the question arises would we ever be able to attain that power. Is this anyway possible? Think about it.. The whole world sharing and evolving information with internet was not even imagined by one or two centuries back. Nobody had ever thought about the possibility of cloning, travelling to moon or other planets & stars beyond. So what is hidden with future would only be revealed when the appropriate time would come.

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